Silence Your Inner Critic:
Master the Thoughts that Drive You!
Unleash the Champion Within! Stop procrastinating and get things done; gain greater self-confidence to improve your relationships; develop the power to blast through the obstacles standing between you and success; build your business by generating more leads, convert those leads and increase your revenue; or gain the ability to achieve your most important goals in life or business. “Silence Your Inner Critic – Master the Thoughts that Drive You” laser coaching program will assist you to accomplish this and more.
Many people never achieve the greatness for which they are destined due in large part to the critic within them – that inner voice that berates them and attempts to convince them they are not worthy or deserving of success. If you feel you are not reaching your potential or that your limiting beliefs are having a negative effect on your business, career or personal life, this program is designed with you in mind.
Through our 15-minute laser phone coaching sessions combined with the follow-up emails you will receive after each session and the numerous resources I will be sharing, you will be able to reprogram that inner voice so it becomes your greatest ally rather than your most influential foe.
We start with a half hour “jumpstart” session followed by unlimited 15-minute laser coaching sessions to help you “Silence that Inner Critic!” You also get a follow-up email after each call with a synopsis of our session and a reminder of the homework you committed to complete prior to our next session. Additionally, you will have access to instructional videos and numerous worksheets as you progress through the program. These resources are filled with exercises and tips to help you overcome your limiting beliefs. All for only $697 for an entire year!
This is $1300 off the regular price of this program and is only available to friends and family who have been invited. The deep discount is offered in return for your feedback on the program, your testimony that I can use in other promotional pieces and possibly referrals of others you feel might benefit from the program.
Through our 15-minute laser phone coaching sessions combined with the follow-up emails you will receive after each session and the numerous resources I will be sharing, you will be able to reprogram that inner voice so it becomes your greatest ally rather than your most influential foe.
We start with a half hour “jumpstart” session followed by unlimited 15-minute laser coaching sessions to help you “Silence that Inner Critic!” You also get a follow-up email after each call with a synopsis of our session and a reminder of the homework you committed to complete prior to our next session. Additionally, you will have access to instructional videos and numerous worksheets as you progress through the program. These resources are filled with exercises and tips to help you overcome your limiting beliefs. All for only $697 for an entire year!
This is $1300 off the regular price of this program and is only available to friends and family who have been invited. The deep discount is offered in return for your feedback on the program, your testimony that I can use in other promotional pieces and possibly referrals of others you feel might benefit from the program.